- Stradom Journal
This study addresses the Orthodox vision of The purpose of human existence and its destiny, by examining the thought of Theodoret of Cyrrhus, one of the most prominent Fathers of the Eastern Church in the fifth century. The study is based on his work Therapeutics of Hellenic Maladies, where we analyzed his arguments against Greek philosophers. We deconstructed Greek philosophical concepts through critique and analysis and compared them with Orthodox Christian principles.
The study aims to introduce readers to Orthodox Christian thought in Divine knowledge and its philosophical and logical aspects, challenge the stereotypical view that separates faith from reason, and highlight the significance of Greek philosophy and the originality of Theodoret of Cyrrhus.
Furthermore, the study concluded that human existence is not random or meaningless but rather serves a noble purpose: to strive for divine perfection to the extent permitted by human nature. To achieve this goal, a person follows a gradual ascending path, starting as a servant of God, then as a hired worker, and finally as a child of God. When a person reaches the stage of sonship in their relationship with God—after being healed from passions and attaining spiritual enlightenment—they begin to live the heavenly kingdom here on earth partially.
This research contributes significantly to the Arabic academic library and opens new horizons for further studies on the relatively unexplored field of Eastern Christian philosophy (Orthodoxy) in academic circles.