Stardom Scientific Journal of Social and Humanity Studies

نمو التحليل المكاني لأثر الاقتصاديات البنية التحتية لقطاع الخدمات في التحقيق الاقتصادي لمحافظة عدن خلال المدة 2010 – 2020

Puplisher : Stardom


Infrastructure services are considered one of the most important modern trends in contemporary spatial economics, given the share they occupy in the field of employment, as well as their important contribution to overall production, after this sector suffered from neglect and was ranked third (industry – agriculture) because it does not contribute to creating wealth.  Because of the immateriality of its products.  After the industrial revolution and industrial development, the infrastructure services sector grew very quickly and most economies transformed the place into service economies. Currently, infrastructure services are considered the heart of the contemporary economy.  As any imbalance in this sector could lead to a deterioration in employment and investment rates.

The research aims to provide a theoretical framework on the foundations of defining the concept of infrastructure and the service sector, from a geographic-economic perspective and its impact on attracting investment, as well as presenting and analyzing the geographical reality of the main infrastructure elements (transport, electric power, communications) that have a direct impact on achieving economic growth in Aden Governorate during  Period 2010-2022 AD, To evaluate the economic dimensions of the role of infrastructure elements in achieving economic growth in that spatial area, by enhancing the elements of infrastructure services that help maintain the continuity of growth rates in the economic basis of Aden Governorate, by attracting local and foreign investments and increasing production, which in turn  It will be reflected in achieving increased opportunities for economic growth, especially in productive activities related to infrastructure elements in Aden Governorate.

DOI: 10.70170/10.70170/laPs6786


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